Pultruded FRP Cooling Towers: A Durable and Efficient Solution

Pultruded FRP cooling towers are a type of cooling tower that is made from fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP), a composite material that is made from glass fibers embedded in a resin matrix. Pultrusion is an extensive method performed on its progenitor, by pulling the glass fibers through a resin bath and then through a heated dye, thereby forming Pultruded FRP. The process creates a strong and lightweight material (with structural strength comparable to its metallic counterparts) that is resistant to corrosion and chemicals. All components including structural members being composed of Pultruded FRP, minimise the involvement of metal structures, thereby attributing to the longer life of the product even in husky/rough environments such as Rice, Sugar & Cement Plants etc.

Benefits of Using Pultruded FRP Cooling Towers

Pultruded FRP cooling towers offer a number of benefits over other types of cooling towers, including:

  • Durability: Pultruded FRP is a very durable material that can withstand harsh weather conditions and corrosive environments.
  • Resistance to corrosion: Pultruded FRP is resistant to corrosion from chemicals, acids, and salts. This makes it ideal for use in industrial applications where cooling towers are exposed to harsh chemicals.
  • Lightweight: Pultruded FRP is a lightweight material, which makes it easier to transport and install.
  • Low maintenance: Pultruded FRP cooling towers require very little maintenance. The material is resistant to algae growth and does not require painting.
  • Efficient heat transfer: Pultruded FRP cooling towers are very efficient at transferring heat from water to air. This can help businesses to reduce their energy costs and improve the performance of their cooling systems.
  • Environmentally friendly: Pultruded FRP cooling towers are environmentally friendly. The material is recyclable and does not release any harmful chemicals into the environment.

Pultruded FRP Cooling Tower Components

Pultruded FRP cooling towers are made up of a number of different components, including:

  • Casing: The casing is the main structural element of the cooling tower that houses all its internal components and induces a controlled environment for heat transfer. It is made from FRP panels that are bolted together.
  • Fill: The “fill” serves as the medium responsible for facilitating the contact between air and water for the efficient transfer of heat from water to air within cooling towers. This is done by redirecting the flow and increasing surface area of water by spreading. Typically composed of materials like PVC, polypropylene, or ABS, different types of fills are chosen based on specific applications and site conditions. For instance, PVC honeycomb fills are employed in scenarios with clean water, while Opti Grid Fills are preferred in cases where water quality is suboptimal, characterized by high contents of Total Suspended Solids (TSS).
  • Drift eliminators: Drift eliminators are used to prevent water droplets from being carried away by the air. They are typically made from metal or plastic.
  • Fans: The fan in a cooling tower plays a vital role in the heat transfer process. It circulates air through the tower, which helps to remove heat from the water. The fan is typically located at the top of the cooling tower, and it draws air up through the tower.
    The air passes through the fill material, which is a series of baffles or grids that increase the surface area of the water. The increased surface area allows the water to cool more quickly. Fans are made of aluminum or fiberglass. The placement of fans varies, with options for direct mounting on the motor or positioning on the gearbox contingent upon factors such as fan size, noise considerations, wear and tear, and various other operational variables.
  • Gear Box: The gearbox in a cooling tower is a mechanical device that is used to reduce the speed of the fan and increase the torque. The fan is responsible for circulating air through the cooling tower, which helps to remove heat from the water. The torque is needed to turn the fan blades and overcome the resistance of the air.
    The gearbox is typically located between the motor and the fan. It is a critical component of the cooling tower system, and it plays a vital role in the efficient and safe operation of the fan.
  • Drive Shaft: The drive shaft in a cooling tower is a rotating shaft that transmits power from the motor to the gearbox. The gearbox then reduces the speed of the motor and increases the torque, which is then transmitted to the fan blades. The fan blades then circulate the air through the cooling tower, which helps to remove heat from the water.
    The drive shaft is typically made of steel or carbon fiber, and is connected to the motor and the gearbox by couplings.
  • Basins: Basins are used to collect the water that falls from the fill. They are typically made from concrete or FRP.

How Pultruded FRP Cooling Towers Work

Pultruded FRP cooling towers like other cooling towers, have the same basic function and work by transferring heat from water to air. The water is pumped to the top of the tower and then distributed over the fill. The air is drawn up through the tower by the fans. As the air passes through the fill, it absorbs heat from the water. The cooled water is then collected in the basin at the bottom of the tower and recirculated.

Applications of Pultruded FRP Cooling Towers

Pultruded FRP cooling towers are used in a variety of industrial applications, including:

  • Power generation
  • Chemical processing
  • Petrochemical processing
  • Food processing
  • Metal processing
  • Textile processing
  • Pharmaceutical processing
  • Electronics manufacturing
  • Fertiliser manufacturing
  • And many more

Additional Information

  • Pultruded FRP cooling towers can be custom-designed to meet the specific needs of each application.
  • Pultruded FRP cooling towers are available in a wide range of sizes, from small units that can be installed on rooftops to large units that can be used in industrial facilities.
  • Pultruded FRP cooling towers are typically more expensive than other types of cooling towers, but their longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs make them a cost-effective investment in the long run.
  • Opti-Grid splash fill design aims to maximize water droplet concentration and minimize droplet size to enhance water-to-air contact. Unlike traditional splash bars, it creates smaller droplets through repeated shearing action. This innovation makes Opti-Grid highly effective at preventing fouling.

    Designed for cooling towers, especially in applications where water quality is poor and total suspended solids (TSS) levels are high, Opti-Grid is an ideal choice. Made from acid-resistant Polypropylene, it’s suitable for various industries. Easy to install, it accommodates standard column spacing and can withstand temperatures up to 85°C. This system’s grids are supported by stainless steel wires and polypropylene supports, securely fastened with special clips.


Pultruded FRP cooling towers are a durable, efficient, and environmentally friendly solution for a variety of industrial applications. If you are looking for a cooling tower that can withstand harsh conditions and provide reliable performance, then a pultruded FRP cooling tower is a great option.